Catch 22: Volunteering and Social Action

This 16 hour free programme can be delivered in a school, academy, college or community setting and over a number of weeks to suit. The programme covers what social action is, planning and project delivery.

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This programme can be altered to create a bespoke offer to meet the needs of young people.  All programmes are free to access.

There are 7 activity areas to cover in the Volunteering and Social Action programme including:

Programme Launch

Introduction to Social Action

Social Action Planning

Social Action Delivery (over 3 sessions)

Programme Wrap-Up


Catch 22 will communicate with the school, academy, college or community group about the programme, send an overview of the offer and propose dates for delivery.

This programme is funded by NCS.

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Catch 22: Volunteering and Social Action

Activity Details

LeadershipProblem SolvingSelf Management
Age Group
15 - 17
Start Date
End Date
Heywood, Middleton, Pennines and Rochdale

Get Involved?

For further information about this activity please contact us:

River Sietsma